Psoriatic arthritis (PsA), a type of chronic arthritis that occurs with the skin condition of psoriasis can increase the risk for other conditions (comorbidities). Although with the appropriate treatment a patient can be relieved of the pain caused by psoriatic arthritis and enabled to maintain mobility, it is always crucial that there is a combined effort of patient and doctor to screen for and treat other conditions that are more likely to develop.

Doctor writing on medical record

What other conditions are more likely to develop amongst psoriatic arthritis patients?

  • Uveitis (a category of diseases related to the inflammation of the eye) is found to be slightly more common amongst people with PsA. Your rheumatologist and ophthalmologist will have to collaborate if eye disease is present.
  • Cardiovascular disease, one of the main conditions linked to psoriatic arthritis. Treating PsA will reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke.
  • Diabetes. It is important to look out for the symptoms related to type 2 diabetes (thirst, hunger, unexpected fatigue, blurry vision) and notify your doctor.
  • Obesity is more common amongst patients suffering of psoriatic arthritis. It is important for the effectiveness of treatments that the patient makes an effort to maintain a healthy diet and lose weight.
  • Metabolic Syndrome
  • Osteoporosis, both men and women with psoriatic arthritis could be affected by osteoporosis. Talking to your doctor and bone density screen can identify osteoporosis at an early stage.
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Depression. The increased emotional distress of any patient suffering of a chronic disease may lead to depression.
  • Anxiety. As in the cases of depression and obesity a healthy lifestyle and positive attitude can help reduce the risk of suffering of anxiety if you have psoriatic arthritis.
  • Inflammatory bowel disease. If you have seen symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease or Crohn’s disease, such as cramping in the abdominal area, blood in your stool and regular diarrhea you should consult your doctor.