The Surgical Day Hospital at Humanitas is a Unit that is predominantly focused on day surgery. 
It has operating rooms, a preparation room for patients and hospitalization facilities where patients are cared for and monitored postoperatively.

Short and medium lasting interventions are electively performed under local anesthesia, sedation, loco-regional and general anesthesia.

The indication for day surgery, as well as for general anesthesia, comes from a careful selection of the disease and the patient by specialists (anesthetists and surgeons). 
At discharge, the patient receives instructions from the surgeon and a telephone number to contact in case of need; the anesthetist provides a scheme for controlling pain, which is confirmed the next day with a telephone follow-up. Surgical specialties belonging to this operating unit are: ophthalmology, orthopedics, general surgery, vascular surgery, plastic surgery, urology, gynecology, neurosurgery, dermatology, reproductive pathology, otolaryngology, minimally invasive general surgery and small pediatric diseases.