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“Acne: adult women are most affected”, is it true or false?

May 3, 2018

Pimples and blackheads are not only the nightmare of teenagers in the midst of hormonal storms. Many adults suffer from acne, and the common belief is that it is women who are most affected. True or false? Dr. Alessandra Narcisi, dermatologist at Humanitas, answers this question.


“True. It would seem that about 5% of women suffer from acne in adulthood – explains the expert – against only 1% of men. The women most affected by acne are between 25 and 30 years old, and there is a risk even if they did not suffer from this pathology during adolescence. Among the causes that lead to the appearance of so-called “impurities” such as pimples and blackheads, pustules and white spots, in addition to the approach of the menopause period, there are also stress and the use of some drugs and cosmetics that are not appropriate for the skin. Stress is often associated with the appearance of acne because, in situations of tension, the body produces more androgenic hormones that stimulate the sebaceous glands, thus, increases the production of sebum, which clogs the pores of the skin and leads to the formation of pimples. As far as medicines and cosmetics are concerned, however, it seems that some products contain substances that create allergic reactions, leading to the appearance of pimples or real acne. To treat acne in adulthood, women in the “most at risk” group should first seek information from a specialist about cosmetics and drugs that can aggravate the problem, in order to avoid or at least limit its manifestation. In addition, good cleaning and care of the skin can also be helpful. It is recommended, in fact, to clean it thoroughly twice a day with special products, this applies to the face, the main target of acne, but also to other sensitive parts, such as shoulders, back, chest. Finally, it is important to hydrate the skin with non-comedogenic products, and try to lead a healthier lifestyle, drink fluids often and try to limit stress situations”.

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