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Pimples from folliculitis, do you know that appropriate use of towel reduces the discomfort?

January 1, 2018


When the skin is reddened and pustules with a yellowish tip appear, it is important to take care of your skin, both morning and evening, by cleaning the areas affected by folliculitis with mild antiseptic cleansers, immediately followed by an appropriate use of a towel – explains Dr. Alessandra Narcisi, dermatologist from Humanitas. – The towel must be delicate, but most of all, after having buffered the skin to dry the part of the body affected by folliculitis, it should not be used on other parts of the body and should be washed to prevent the spread of bacteria responsible for the initial infection. Caused by sweating, waxing and shaving, ingrown hairs, folliculitis, or the infection of small holes on the skin from which the hairs come out, can also be relieved with warm compresses with antibacterial action, performed with a clean towel twice a day, morning and evening. To ensure a mild anti-bacterial action, it is sufficient to apply a compress on the skin with a towel soaked in water and salt, or mild antiseptics such as benzalkonium chloride, chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, or an antibacterial cleanser. This way, the discomfort is not only relieved, but also the spontaneous exit of the pus is facilitated without pressing the pustules, which is a practice that would increase the expansion of the inflammatory process in the surrounding tissues, aggravating the infection. Finally, among the home remedies, you can also use compresses on the skin made with oatmeal, which has emollient and antipruritic properties, while cortisone creams combined or not with antibiotic or antifungal cream should be used for short periods on prescription and under medical supervision.

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