You are reading Ultrasound services are also available at Humanitas Medical Care in Busto Arsizio

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Ultrasound services are also available at Humanitas Medical Care in Busto Arsizio

April 9, 2019

In Busto Arsizio, Humanitas Medical Care recently inaugurated the ultrasound service, now available among the many services already offered by the outpatient clinic.

Founded initially as a sampling centre with an agreement with the National Health System, the activity of the outpatient clinic has grown more and more and since spring last year it has introduced a wide range of specialist services. We talked about the services offered to date by the center with Dr. Adriano Anzivino, Medical Echographer who practices his profession in Humanitas Medical Care Busto Arsizio and Arese.


Reduced waiting times and easy access

Internal, musculoskeletal, breast, gynaecological, urological, cardiological, internalistic and peripheral vascular ultrasound. At Humanitas Medical Care Busto Arsizio you will be able to do all the ultrasound examinations and the time required to wait is short. In most cases it is possible to get an appointment for the same day as well as the reports are given to the patient at the end of the examination, for a precise and punctual service. As specified by the referent doctor of the service, these services are carried out both in private and through the “institutional” channel, i.e. dedicated to those who have an agreement with the main health funds of the category or have an insurance policy.


An ultrasound scan, this is what it’s all about.

The examination time is generally 20-30 minutes. “From an ultrasound point of view, the center has two machines, which ensure a very high diagnostic reliability – said Dr. Anzivino -: one is the LOGIQ P9, equipped with 3 probes, including the endocavitary probe, which allow you to perform all ultrasound examinations and echocolordoppler. In a second outpatient clinic there is another ultrasound, the Vivid T8, dedicated only to cardiology and vascular surgery”. “In most of the ultrasound examinations and for the ecocolordoppler there is no preparation – continued the doctor -; unlike for the abdominal ultrasound examinations, which require fasting by the patient and, sometimes, the filling of the bladder.


The most requested services

“They are generally linked to professional activity, especially the particularly weary tasks, in which the involvement of the musculoskeletal system of the upper limbs is considerable; however, these pathologies are often the prerogative of apparently more sedentary occupations, such as office work, with repercussions of postural origin on the entire scapulohumeral girdle”.

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