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All the benefits of the oatmeal

February 26, 2019

Excellent for breakfast or for breadcrumbs of fish and meat when mixed with oilseeds, oat flakes are a real panacea for the heart and help to keep the shape under control, preserving healthy metabolic functions. We talked about it with Dr. Elisabetta Macorsini, biologist and nutritionist at Humanitas.


The Nutrients of Fat-Burning Foods

The health benefit of these whole grains high in nitrogen phenolics (the so-called avenantramids) was the subject of a recent study published in the British Journal of Nutrition. According to experts, in fact, this food is able to improve the sense of fullness, the quality of digestion and cardiovascular and metabolic health, as well as guarantee an excellent nutritional intake. People who eat calories from oatmeal and skimmed milk at breakfast are generally less hungry, have a higher sense of fullness and have a reduced desire for other food.

Oats also help the intestinal tract: in general, the regular consumption of any wholemeal food seems to be closely related to a lower body mass index.


The benefits of oatmeal

For vegetarians ,especially for vegans, oats are an important source of essential proteins and amino acids. However, they are not suitable for people who suffer from nickel intolerance and allergies.

“Oats (Avena Sativa) belongs to the family of grasses and is one of the most complete cereals, rich in beneficial qualities for the body – explained Dr. Marcosini – We can include it in our diet as flakes for breakfast, use it to prepare first dishes, in combination with other flours for preparing bread and biscuits or as a drink in the form of oat milk.

Oats are a source of complex carbohydrates while at the same time having a high protein content (10-16%) as well as a low sugar content which makes them suitable for people with diabetes.

It is rich in beta-glucans, a compound that can slow down the absorption of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and help to protect veins and arteries. It contains polyphenols called avenatramids (A, B and C) with soothing, calming and anti-aging properties, potassium, B vitamins and highly unsaturated lipids that are therefore “good” fats.

Due to its fiber content, including many soluble fibers, it stimulates intestinal transit and increases the sense of satiety. Oat grains are used to make an oat milk, a vegetable drink that can be used naturally hot or cold (one cup) or for preparing smoothies and sweets”.


Oat milk is good for the slow intestine

Oat milk is particularly suitable for the slow intestine. It is low in calories (about 47 calories per 100 grams) with a low fat content, mainly polyunsaturated. It contains fibre, vitamin E and folic acid. The product is rich in natural sugars and is therefore able to provide energy which is immediately available.

The oat milk on the market often contains added sunflower oil, so it is always advisable to read the label carefully and check that the sunflower oil used is of organic origin and has been cold-pressed.
Oatmeal is made by grinding oat seeds (caryopsis) after the elimination of external teguments (bran) rich in cellulose that is indigestible to the human body. It has a low glycemic index and is therefore suitable for the preparation of foods for diabetics. It has a high content of vitamin B1 and zinc. Used with wheat flour, it can be used to make breads, pizzas and cakes or biscuits. It can also be used as a thickener in soups or in the preparation of porridge for an Anglo-Saxon-style breakfast.

Oatmeal is produced by the mechanical pressure of the grains of oats, which are softened by a quick steaming process. The result is a natural food that maintains most of the beneficial qualities of the primary cereal.

Oats are mainly a source of complex carbohydrates and are therefore a long-term source of energy: the metabolism of complex carbohydrates is slow, which guarantees the body a source of glucose even after several hours.

This is certainly an advantage at breakfast: 40 g of oat flakes, a glass of milk and fresh fruit are an excellent meal for a good start to the day. A portion of oatmeal also provides 21% of the daily phosphorus requirement. Oats can also be used as a replacement for rice or in the preparation of cold salads. The grains must be boiled for about 30/40 minutes.

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