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Humanitas Health recipe: Raw Bars to reduce hunger

May 29, 2018

Looking for a healthy snack to break the hunger in the middle of the day? Together with Dr. Elisabetta Macorsini, nutritionist biologist at Humanitas, we see why and how to prepare raw bars.


“It’s an interesting mixer – explained Macorsini. We focus on the less commonly used dates and oat bran. Dates are an excellent source of potassium and phosphorus. For their energetic power they are useful in case of energy shortages, fatigue and physical debilitation. Moreover, they are excellent for athletes. Rich in mineral salts, they are an excellent natural remineralizer. However, because of their calorific value and high sugar content, they are not suitable for those on a low calorie diet and for those suffering from diabetes. “Usually, they are consumed dry – continued the nutritionist – but in reality, to take advantage of all their properties they should be consumed fresh. Fresh dates, in fact, are richer in minerals and vitamins and contain about half of the calories than dry dates.


Oat bran, on the other hand, strongly reduces the sense of hunger and therefore allows you to stay in shape and not to accumulate excess weight. Consumed during meals, it helps to obtain a beneficial sense of satiety and limit the absorption of fats and sugars, helps to prevent high cholesterol, diabetes and colon cancer.


Let’s see how to prepare the bars.


Ingredients for 10 bars:


  • 1/2 cup of dry dates


  • 1/2 cup grated coconut + 2 tablespoons


  • 1/4 cup almond flour


  • 1/4 cup oat bran


  • 1/4 cup of chopped almonds


  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice




Put the dates into a mixer; add the coconut, the almond flour, the oat bran, a tablespoon of lemon juice and blend for a few minutes until the ingredients are blended well.

Transfer the mixture into a bowl and add the chopped almonds mixing well.

Transfer the mixture into a rectangular container that can be placed in the freezer.

Press well with your hands until you reach a maximum height of 1 cm, spread it over and add two tablespoons of grated coconut and put it into the freezer for about an hour.

Wait a few minutes and divide into bars of about 2.5 cm.

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