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Why does the cold temperature dry the skin?

December 18, 2018

The skin becomes drier because our body, to protect itself from the cold tends to get more blood to the internal organs by spraying less skin, explains Dr. Alessandra Narcisi, dermatologist at the Humanitas hospital.


As a result, in the cold, the skin cells produce less collagen, the skin becomes thinner and dehydrated, becoming dry and tending towards a greyish colour, and causing an occlusion of the pores that slows down the elimination of waste and free radicals. In particular, the skin of the face is more affected by the winter cold because it is continuously exposed to the elements and the warm air of the heatings, as well as the smog. To counteract the dry skin caused by the cold, it is important first of all that the skin is properly hydrated and protected, from the inside and the outside. A crucial moment is cleansing, which should always be done by affinity with the skin, i.e. with cleansing milk for the face or bath oils for the body. Moreover, during the winter months it is advisable to avoid too hot baths and showers and prefer a quick shower with warm water. Do not forget to “nourish” the skin every day with specific moisturizing creams for the face, also containing sunscreens, and body. To protect the skin from the cold and the risk of becoming dry, it is also important to cover yourself, but not too much, leaving the skin the opportunity to “breathe”. In addition to remembering to humidify the environment, you can help to avoid dry skin by maintaining the homeostasis of body hydration, ie drinking about a glass of water every hour or more if you do intense physical activity, to replenish fluid leaks. Finally, to protect dry skin from the cold it is important to follow a varied diet, with a good dose of daily fruits and vegetables and omega 3 essential fatty acids, such as those contained for example in fish or nuts, as well as also helping by associating ad hoc supplements always under medical supervision, based on antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and, if indicated, phytoestrogens.

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