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Dinner with Humanitas Health: bowl of basmati brown rice

July 4, 2018

Basmati rice is a variety of long grain Indo-Pakistan rice, characteristic for its strong innate aroma, suitable for the preparation of dishes of ethnic inspiration and beyond. It is highly digestible and has a lower glycemic index than white rice, so it is well suited for the nutrition of diabetic and metabolic subjects. To encourage the release of surface starch into the water, it is advisable to rinse the rice well under running water before cooking. Here’s how to prepare it together with some healthy ingredients that complete its nutritional value according to a recipe by Dr. Martina Gozza, dietitian of Humanitas.


“The bowl of integral basmati rice with mushrooms, sauteed spinach, poached eggs and toasted peanuts is a dish suitable for celiac disease – explained Dr. Gozza – Given the nutritional contribution, it can be consumed in the form of a single dish by those who want to maintain their figure or lose weight, without sacrificing taste. In this direction, particular attention should be paid to the consumption of cashews, a panacea regarding the content of vitamins of the B group and minerals (calcium, copper, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium), but enemies of the figure because of their high calorie content (598 kcal/100 g).



Ingredients for 4 people:


  • 300 g brown basmati rice


  • 300 gr of mushrooms


  • 4 sprigs of fresh thyme


  • 1 clove of garlic


  • 150 gr of spinach leaves


  • 4 eggs


  • White vinegar


  • 30 g natural cashew nuts


  • Salt


  • Extra virgin olive oil




1- Cook the rice by absorption: bring 600 ml of water to the boil in a pot with a lid, as soon as its boiling, lightly salt it and pour in the rice. Cover and cook over low heat for 20 minutes, trying to lift the lid as little as possible. In this way all the liquid will be absorbed by the rice, which will cook it together with the steam.


2 – Clean the mushrooms and cut them into small pieces. Heat two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil in a pan with a crushed clove of garlic and twigs of thyme. Then add the mushrooms, salt lightly and cook over medium low heat, stirring occasionally for five minutes. If you see that there is no liquid, add a drop of water. As soon as the mushrooms are ready, add the spinach leaves and mix. Remove from the heat and adjust the salt. The warmth of the mushrooms and the pot will be enough to cook the spinach.


3 – Heat a pan, as soon as it is hot put the cashews in and let them toast, stirring often for a minute over medium/low heat. As soon as they start to become brown, remove them from the heat.


4 – Boil a saucepan filled for two thirds of water. Add a tablespoon of white wine vinegar once it’s boiling and set the heat to a minimum. Break an egg into a bowl, create a vortex with a ladle inside the water and pour the egg into the center of the vortex. Cook for 3 minutes then remove the egg with a skimmer and dry excess water.


5 – Make your bowl: put the rice in a bowl, add the mushrooms and lay the egg on top. Season with a pinch of salt and a pinch of black pepper.

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