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If we eat more fruit and vegetables during the summer, we need to drink more

July 10, 2018

In summer, fruit and vegetable consumption is expected to increase. However, what is sometimes forgotten is that with more fibers our body needs even more hydration. Dr. Beatrice Salvioli, gastroenterologist at Humanitas, explained how to pay more attention to the intestine during the hottest season of the year. Often, in fact, on holiday you lose your intestinal regularity.


Every hour 1 glass of water

Thirst stimulation indicates that our body has already lost too much fluid. As an indication, one glass of water should be drunk every hour (about 120 cc). Children and the elderly in particular must be careful about the amount of water: they dry out more quickly, also because they are less thirsty. The higher water intake required in summer is due to the higher number of fibers ingested. Fibers are certainly healthy for our bodies, but their consumption must be accompanied by good hydration. Without an adequate supply of water, the fibers can cause swelling and constipation. On the other hand, fibers are also the major nourishment for the intestinal microbiota: the latest research has shown that the microbiota feeds on fibers, thus fuelling the processes of immune defense.


Intestinal regularity in summer

Often on holiday you lose your bowel regularity. It should first be noted that not all intestines are the same and that the regularity varies from person to person and that not everyone needs to go to the toilet every day. Those who find it hard to go to the toilet when their environment changes and are therefore afraid of suffering during holiday may be able to take in fibers on a daily basis during the days before departure, so that their intestines are well prepared. Soluble fibers can be bought in pharmacies and are drunk after being dissolved in water. They can be taken in the evening or before meals. Physical activity also helps with bowel movement and should be done regularly. For those with a lazy bowel, the indication is to consume fiber, drink water and engage in physical activity with even more precision. The ideal is about 25 g of fibers per day, but these should not be considered in terms of weight but of quantity: bran, for example, contains 46 g of fibers in 100 g, and is excellent to eat at breakfast. In the case of an irritable intestine, pay close attention to temperature changes (first and foremost air conditioning), ice in drinks, milk and its derivatives.

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