Gastroesophageal reflux is the ascent of the acid or of acid food refluxes from the stomach to the oesophagus. Professor Silvio Danese, Supervisor of the Center for Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Disease at Humanitas, said in an interview for Radio 24.

The oesophagus does not have a mucous membrane to protect it against this acidity, and thus it gets inflamed.

The Symptoms of Reflux

While the acid moves upwards, it causes burning and epigastric pain (under the sternum).
The reflux may also reach the upper airway and cause coughing fits. The diagnosis may require a gastroscopy.

Keep your diet Under Control

First of all, you should regulate your diet by avoiding foods that increase the production of acids such as:

  • mint
  • coffee
  • chocolate
  • fried foods
  • fatty foods

These foods worsen your symptoms. Moreover, fat foods slow the digestion down, so that the stomach is forced to contain irritating components for a longer time.

Proton pump Inhibitors

Some medications make it possible to manage this disease, such as anti-acids. Proton pump inhibitors act on the cause of acidity in the stomach, and patients respond very well.
The typical pattern requires performing this therapy for eight weeks, but these medications are also useful in the long run.