The avocado, is the trending resource for do-it-yourself beauty care. Its green pulp is used as a basic ingredient for the preparation of beauty masks and homemade moisturizers. But can its skin moistening attributes make it worth sacrificing that yummy guacamole?


Beauty by avocado?

Avocado has a rich dowry of oil, which is believed to hydrate the skin. To prepare beauty masks the pulp of avocado is often combined with olive oil, jojoba oil, honey or lemon. Essential fatty acids in the avocado make it not only popular against wrinkles, but also for dry skin. Moreover, the avocado is rich in antioxidants, a natural shield against free radicals, and it contains folic acid, and vitamins C, B6, A and E.

The exotic fruit is also used in the preparation of exfoliating scrub and as a “balm” to restore shine to the hair and moisturize the scalp. Finally, some people use avocado as a natural remedy to soothe the skin in cases of sunburn.

Is it really good for the skin?

“It is a common confounding of typical cosmetology,” says Professor Marcello Monti, head of Dermatology at Humanitas Hospital. “If a food is good and rich in active ingredients that superficially benefit people, one may believe that smeared on the skin, those products benefit the skin. The reasoning does not work because the skin is an organ used for expulsion removal and not assimilation. Therefore, not every “good food” that we put on our skin is good for the skin or for us”. “In certain cases, waste food may even cause contact dermatitis.”

Eat it don’t smear it

So that concludes it, its Guacamole 1 vs Green face-cream 0. The advice of a dermatologist is to “keep eating and not massaging it on the skin“. Your skin gets its nutrients from the inside and that is where the next avocado you purchase should end up!