The beetroot or beet for short has found its way into many peoples diet over the past couple of years and very rightfully so. Firstly, it is packed with vitamins, minerals and powerful antioxidants. Secondly it can be incorporated in juices, salads, roasted side-dishes, soups and even desserts! Furthermore, the intense contrast in flavor between the bitter leafs and sweet beet make it an interesting ingredient, so get reading on the health benefits and once you are convinced go get some from the market for your next beetroot recipe.

Nutritional Facts

100 grams of beet contain:

  • 43 calories
  • 2g protein
  • 0g fat
  • 10g carbohydrates
  • 3g fibers
  • 325mg potassium
  • 8% of recommended Vitamin C daily intake


Veggie beet and quinoa burger with avocado on the vintage wooden board


Benefits of Beetroot

Beetroots are linked to various health benefits and have been used as medication since the Romans started cultivating them. Although they carry plenty of simple sugars, the total carbohydrate intake per serving is low and therefore your blood sugar will not be affected much. That being said, beets do a lot of other good stuff for your blood flow and blood pressure.

A study in the Nutrition Journal indicated for the first that even outside of lab conditions, beets reduce your blood pressure. A single serving (100-140g) will reduce your blood pressure within 6 hours. Scientists believe that this is due to the high concentration of nitrates in beets.

Furthermore, folate which is a substance found in beets helps maintain your body. It specifically helps the development of red blood cells and lack of it could lead to anemia or heart disease. If you are pregnant your daily intake of folate should be in the region of 400 micrograms. This will aid the development of your baby’s cells as well.

1 cup of fresh beets will also provide your body with 25% of your daily recommended intake of manganese. Without manganese your body is unable to produce collagen and Proteoglycan which are two of the most important components that keep your skin and bones healthy and strong.

Finally, beets contain a significant amount of potassium. Potassium is an eletrolyte which transmits the electrical pulses that stimulate your nerves and muscles. It is a big player when it comes to heart health as it regulates your heart beat and lowers blood pressure.


And yes, those are beet burgers in the picture and they are delicious!