Professor Alberto Mantovani, scientific director of Humanitas and pathology teacher at Humanitas University, was chairman of a jury formed by 14 Italian scientists. They were summoned by Lombardy to examine the candidacies for the first edition of the International Award “Lombardy is research”.
It took place on September 5th, at Palazzo Pirelli in Milan. The award ceremony was on November 8th at Teatro Alla Scala, during the Research Day “Umberto Veronesi”. This Day has been instituted with the regional decree 29/2016, and it is organized in collaboration with the Foundation “Umberto Veronesi”, on the anniversary of the passing of the great scientist.

The prize was awarded to an individual who made a significant contribution to the advancement of scientific and technological knowledge thanks to their research and discoveries, paying particular attention to those which positively affected our well-being, health and quality of life.

The role of Chairman of the jury

“Being chairman of the jury entails great responsibilities. In the past, I was on the jury of many international awards. However, in this case, I felt there was more at stake. On one hand, the prize of “Lombardy is research” is the same (or greater) than that of the most well-known international awards. On the other hand, this award complemented my own Region. Thus, this made me feel responsible towards the whole Lombard community.

The jury chose the best candidate, with great openness and objectiveness”, Professor Mantovani explained in an interview. These awards have great significance both for those who receive them and for the institutions which create and support them with their resources. “This is obvious in the case at hand. Lombardy wants to leave a sign and to found its social and economic future on the basis of scientific research. This is extraordinarily important, in my opinion”, Mantovani points out.

In Remembrance of Professor Veronesi

The prize is named after Professor Veronesi. It was awarded on Research Day (November 8th), the anniversary of his passing. Professor Mantovani commemorates Umberto Veronesi. “As Bernard of Chartres said, followed by Newton and many others,

We are dwarves on the shoulders of giants, and thanks to them we can see more and farther. He was a giant in the fight against cancer, and we sit on his shoulders.

This award also has the impact on the life quality of people among the selection criteria, and thus it is fully oriented towards the health of patients”.
Professor Mantovani also spoke about the importance of Life Sciences and the role of Italy in this field. He also referred to the role of public institutions and the relationship between medicine, research and public opinion.