Our organism thrives with millions of microorganisms, many of which are located in the gastrointestinal tract and are part of the microbiome. These bacteria contribute to a good intestinal health, and changes in their balance can cause ailments.

Probiotics, prebiotics and lactic acid-producing bacteria (“lactic ferments”) can be useful in restoring normal conditions. Professor Silvio Danese, Supervisor of the Center for Intestinal Chronic Inflammatory Diseases at Humanities, spoke about this in an interview to Corriere della Sera.



Probiotics are live organisms, “They are bacteria but also yeasts. Their main food source is yogurt, but you may find on the market many supplements that contain them. There are many kinds of probiotics. Among the most common and familiar there are the bacteria of the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium genera, while among yeasts we mention Saccharomyces boulardii”, Prof. Danese explains.

Probiotics effectiveness is still under study and, as US National Institute of Health highlights, there is still much to discover about probiotics. Diarrhoea prevention is one of the fields where they turned out to be more useful. That’s what happens, for example, during the ingestion of antibiotics, medications that may increase the risk of producing liquid faeces. In this case, probiotics can limit the risk.

UK National Health Service also highlights the role of probiotics in reducing bloating and flatulence, typical of the Irritable Bowel Syndrome.



Prebiotics may contribute to restore the microbioma balance, favoring the growth of good bacteria. They come in foods such as whole grains, bananas, onions, garlic, honey, artichokes, and chicory. Their consumption helps bacteria that are good for your intestinal health and reduces the risk of ailments.

The joint presence of prebiotics and probiotics in a food makes this very food a symbiotic product; such foods are, for example, fermented milk, yogurt, and kefir (a fermented milk-based beverage).


Lactic Acid Producing Bacteria

“Lactic acid-producing bacteria are bacteria and yeasts of human origin with probiotic capabilities, helping the intestine maintain the intestinal bacterial flora balance. In particular, these substances can produce lactic acid thanks to the enzymatic fermentation of some soluble sugars. Thanks to lactic acid-producing bacteria present in yogurt and fermented milks, lactose-intolerant people can consume milk-derived products too. Bacteria contained in these foods can metabolize lactose”, Professor Danese explains.