White hair should not stop the desire to do sports. However, a cardiologist advises that one should avoid rushing headlong into heavy training after reaching the age of 50, especially for people who are not in good shape.

People at water gymnastics in physiotherapy

“The benefits of physical activity on the entire body have been known for some time – explains Maurizio Gasparini, responsible for the Unit of Electrophysiology and Electrostimulation at Humanitas. There are physical activities directed at the cardiovascular system. Persistent and moderate physical activity lets you normalize cardiovascular reflexes: it helps reduce blood pressure and the number of heartbeats. “Then there are the indirect benefits that do well especially for the heart’s health. Sport allows one to increase the consumption of calories, reduce body weight, cholesterol, fatty acids, and insulin resistance and provides a benefit to both the peripheral blood circulation and that of the heart. Regular motion and physical activity helps to prevent heart attacks and strokes”.

What is the effect of sports on the body after the age of 50?

Swimming – suggests the doctor – is definitely a more suitable sport after 50 years, because it provides benefits for the heart as well as it helps to strengthen bone, joint and muscle structures. A light jog or a briskly walk are activities that are best suited for those who want to start moving, but are not in perfect shape. Even cycling 2-3 times a week is one of the recommended sports”.

What sports should be avoided after the age of 50?

“We must definitely avoid all extreme sports that are very fashionable, as well as wacky challenges such as marathons or those at high altitude in the desert. Moreover, to train for a road marathon without having the proper physical form can be risky – recalls the specialist. Additionally, anaerobic sports such as weight lifting are also not recommended for the heart.

Begin gradually with a few minutes of exercise to get to a position of a better form is the expert’s advice. “We must avoid the doping effect – recommends the cardiologist – namely the temptation to maximize the effort in a short time as happens to those who try to train for a half marathon in less than a month. Better to train a little at a time with a target heart rate that becomes progressively lower during exercise. For those who do sports after 50 years it can be considered adequate for the purposes of a good workout to achieve a level of around 120-130 heartbeats per minute”.