Burning mouth syndrome is a condition also known as "stomatopyrosis" that manifests itself as a feeling of inflammation more or less generalized within the mouth cavity. Stomatopyrosis can be characterized by the presence of other symptoms, including the feeling of having a dry mouth, localized mouth pain, bitter or metallic taste in the mouth, tingling or numbness in one or more areas of the oral cavity.

There can be different reasons behind the burning sensation in the mouth such as: the presence of diseases of various types to the oral mucosa (aphthosis, candida, herpes labialis), the presence of allergies (food or by contact), gastroesophageal reflux (if is particularly strong, the burning can be felt up to the oral cavity), burns (as a result of consuming excessively hot food or drink).

Even psychological factors (anxiety, stress) and emotional (shyness) can affect the appearance of the condition.


What kind of diseases can be associated with burning mouth syndrome?

The following diseases can be associated with the burning mouth syndrome:

  • Aphthosis
  • Food allergies
  • Contact allergies
  • Dry mouth (xerostomia)
  • Candida
  • Diabetes
  • Psychological factors (anxiety, depression or stress)
  • Gastritis
  • Cold sores
  • Gastroesophageal reflux
  • Burns

Remember that this is not an exhaustive list and it is highly recommended to consult your doctor, in case of symptom’s persistence.


What is the therapy for burning mouth syndrome?

The burning mouth syndrome, when it occurs as a symptom, it has no targeted therapy and the condition usually subsides once the primary disease is successfully treated.

However, application of oils and gels, antiseptics and refreshers may help, upon doctor’s advice. For pain reduction some remedies can be applied, such as: mouthing a piece of ice (the cold refreshes the mouth reducing the burning sensation), drinking water frequently and in small sips, or having a glass of cold milk with a teaspoon of honey.


When is most likely to contact your doctor in case of burning mouth syndrome?

If the disorder does not improve within a few days or in the presence of associated diseases (see list of associated diseases).