On October 13, the Humanitas Congress Centre hosted the eighth edition of “Paziente diplomata”, a day of discussion and information dedicated to women with and without breast cancer, their loved ones and all those who wanted to learn about the subject.

The meeting – organized by the Humanitas Cancer Center and the Italian School of Breast Medicine, in collaboration with Mamazone and the F.A.V.O – Italian Federation of Voluntary Oncology Associations and with C.A.O.S, the Centre for Listening to Women Operated on the Breast – was inaugurated by Dr Wolfgang Gatzemeier, Deputy Director of the Breast Unit of Humanitas, together with Professor Claudio Andreoli, Dr Emilia Marrazzo and Dr Elena Bissolotti (data manager).

The objectives of the meeting

The aim of the conference was to inform and inform patients about the progress of breast cancer research, specific therapies such as immunotherapy and ‘intelligent drugs’ and the discovery of epigenetics and possible predispositions.

“Patients have become increasingly curious, informed and even sophisticated in their search for information. It is an important thing,” explained Dr. Gatzemeier, “since the goal of initiatives like this is precisely the awareness of patients and their loved ones” and “awareness and training are essential because more aware women will be lucid patients and protagonists of the management of their clinical path.

Videos and interventions of Diploma Patient
Life changing diagnosis

“C.A.O.S. in mind,” Adele Patrini.

Genetics – Epigenetics – Nutrition

Progress in genetic exploration, Monica Zuradelli

Who controls our genes? Epigenetics in the regulation of gene expression, Francesca Cappellini

Fighting disease with physical activity and healthy eating, Daniela Lucini

Follow up

Follow up: find a balance between the minimum useful and the maximum possible, True Basil

Voice to patients


Advances in treatment

Breast cancer and its biological profile, Bethania Fernandes

Breast Surgery

Breast Surgery and Body Image, Valeria Band