Digestive disorders, such as heartburn and digestive difficulties, and intestinal irregularities, such as constipation or diarrhea, are common conditions with a strong impact on the quality of life for those who suffer from them. In some cases, these phenomena are transient, but when they exceed a certain threshold in terms of frequency and duration, they deserve appropriate investigations and treatments.

Humanitas has a gastroenterological check-up dedicated to all those who suffer from these disorders, in order to correct their lifestyle, to check for any pathological conditions and thus obtain a diagnosis of any diseases affecting the digestive system (esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon, pancreas, biliary tract) and where necessary receive appropriate treatment.

High digestive process

Gastroesophageal reflux occurs when gastric juices come into contact with the esophagus wall, causing burning behind the sternum and acid regurgitation. Although the passage of acid from the stomach to the esophagus occurs physiologically during the day, especially after eating, when the phenomenon becomes frequent and persistent, it may be pathological in nature. Sometimes, it is because of bile that it flows into the stomach, causing difficulty and slowness in digestion and nausea. Often, stomach disorders are linked to infection with Helicobacter pylori, which, if not treated properly, can lead to the development of gastritis and ulcers, or may be caused by poor nutrition or alterations in the bacterial flora.

Humanitas offers a complete path of prevention, diagnosis and medical treatment lasting about 3-4 hours that includes a gastroenterological examination, the Breath test for Helicobacter pylori, blood tests, a complete abdomen ultrasound – study intestinal loops and a breath test (chosen from lactose, lactose, fructose and glucose).

Path of constipation and intestinal irregularities

Difficulties in performing bowel function can affect quality of life. One example is constipation, which affects about 15% of the population, especially women, and whose incidence increases with age.

Humanitas offers a complete course of prevention, diagnosis and medical treatment lasting about 3-4 hours that includes a gastroenterological examination, blood tests, examination of occult blood in the stool, a complete abdomen ultrasound – study intestinal loops, a breath test (chosen from lactose, lactulose, fructose and glucose), parasitological examination, co-culture and fecal calprotectin, which serve to understand if there are conditions of inflammation that require second-level examinations, which will be prescribed by the doctor at the conclusion and outside the package offered according to the indications.