
Liposarcoma is a malignant tumor that develops in the fat cells of deep, soft tissues. Liposarcoma, as the other kinds of sarcoma, is rare. Liposarcoma is a rare type of cancer that resembles the fat cells when examined under a microscope. It can actually appear in fat cells in any part of the body, but most often appear in the abdomen or the muscles of the limbs. Although it can occur in people at any age, usually affects older adults. The treatment for liposarcoma is generally a surgery and radiation therapy may also be included.



Usually, no symptoms are visible in the beginning of the formation of liposarcoma. The patients do not feel sick initially. The symptoms arise later in the progress of the disease. They can be:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Painful swelling
  • Numbness
  • Enlargement of the varicose veins
  • Abdominal pain
  • Diminished motion series in the limbs

If any of the aforementioned symptoms are developed, or any mass or lump near a place of trauma is noticed, a person should visit a doctor immediately. The sooner the cause is determined, the sooner the treatment can begin. And it is important to have mass or lumps examined as they can be caused by many other medical conditions as well, so it is of prior importance to find out the right cause so that the right treatment can be given.


It is believed that liposarcoma cancer cells are developed from deeper fat tissue rather than superficial fat cells that are situated beneath the skin or mucous membranes. It is not very familiar what provokes liposarcomas to develop. However, they have often been noticed after a trauma when a hard lump that remains in the body is developed. Liposarcomas don’t develop from common lipomas that are known to be benign tumors that are usually harmless.


There are four subtypes of liposarcoma:

  1. Well-differentiated liposarcoma (the most common type)
  2. Myxoid or round cell liposarcoma (most common in children and adolescents)
  3. Pleomorphic liposarcoma (rare)
  4. Mixed-type / dedifferentiated liposarcoma

When the tumor type is stated, it is also needed the extent of spread to be also determined.

The treatment of liposarcoma is generally surgical. The aim is to remove the tumor entirely and prevent it from possible recurrence. It is the best when all the tumor cells are removed. Very rarely, around 5% of the cases might require an amputation. However, most liposarcoma cases are treated with a combination of a surgery and radiation therapy. Some patients undergo radiation therapy before surgery in order to diminish the tumor size.