Dr Giuseppe Spriano is the Otolaryngology Unit Director in Humanitas Research Hospital. He is specialized in head and neck Oncology, in particular on nose-sinus tumors, salivary glands, thyroid, larynx and pharynx, oral cavity, skin, face and orbit. In general of all tumors that originate above the clavicles with the exception of those from the brain.

Giuseppe Spriano is Chairman of the following conferences:
  • European Congress ECHNO 2018 (European Head Neck Society)
  • World Congress IAOO 2019 (International Academy Oral Oncology)
  • World Congress IFHNOS 2022 (International Federation Head Neck Oncological Societies)






President of AOOI (Association of Otolaryngology Italians Hospitals) (2008-2010);
President of SIO (Italian Society of Otolaryngology) (2014-2015)
Honorary Member of the Israelian Otolaryngology Society
Honorary Member of the Spanish Otolaryngology Society
Honorary Member of the Latin Otolaryngology Society
Honorary Member of the Foundation of Head and Neck Oncology
Member of the EHNS, IAOO, IFHNOS board

Previous experience

2002 – 2018 Istituto Nazionale Tumori Regina Elena – Roma

Medical Director of the Otolaryngology and Chirurgia Oncologica Cervico-Facciale Units. Director of the Neuroscience Department.

1996 – 2002 Ospedale di Circolo – Varese

Director of the Neuroscience Department.