Doctor Paola Maria Magnoni has graduated in general medicine and radiodiagnostics at Università degli Studi of Milan and is the Ultrasound Unit Director of Humanitas Research Hospital, where she dedicates especial attention to internal, oncological, breast, endocrinology and loop ultrasound, performing over 5,000 examinations of which 500 needle biopsy annually.

Medical areas of interest
Ultrasound in all its fields of use, especially:

Diagnostic ultrasound
Internal, oncological, intestinal loops, endocrinology.

Interventional ultrasound
Superficial needle biopsies of areas such as breast, thyroid, soft parts; and deep needle biopsies of areas such as abdominal organs, liver, kidney pancreas; retroperitoneum; paracentesis, thoracentesis, drainage and inflections.

Research areas of interest
Sarcomas, early diagnosis in oncological pathologies, iconographic study of IBD, senology, endocrinology.