What is audiometry?

Audiometry is a test that provides information on hearing ability. It is generally carried out by a doctor of audiology.


What is the purpose of audiometry?

This test allows for detection of faulty auditory perception.


What steps should be taken to help prepare for the examination?

To undergo this un-invasive diagnostic test, no preparation steps are needed.


Which patients can undergo audiometry?

The exam has no contraindications and can be undergone by adults and children.


Is audiometry painful or dangerous?

The test is un-invasive, and not painful nor dangerous.


How is audiometry performed?

An audiometry exam is performed inside a special soundproof booth and involves wearing headphones over the ears. The doctor of audiology sends sounds to the headphones, starting from low bass and moving to high-pitched tones, and asks the patient to give a nod of consent or press a button every time they are able to perceive the sound. This way, the doctor can determine the minimum intensity required of the individual. The procedure also allows for a device to be placed against the bone behind each ear and through it, transmit precise vibrations directly to the inner ear. By determining the individual’s capability of transposing sounds, the specialist is able to evaluate the functionality of the external and middle ear. Through the use of vibrations, the functionality of the inner ear is determined.