The Thrombosis Center is a clinical service specializing in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of venous thrombosis diseases (superficial vein thrombosis or thrombophlebitis, deep vein thrombosis or DVT and pulmonary thromboembolism or TEP, rare retinal vein occlusion and splanchnic syndrome) and arterial diseases (myocardial infarction, stroke, peripheral arteriopathy, and peripheral embolism), especially occurring at a young age.

The team sees over 9,000 patients annually.

Moreover, given their expertise in the field of hemostasis and its defects, the specialists of the Center deal with the diagnosis and treatment of hemorrhagic coagulopathy, ie all clinical situations characterized by spontaneous or provoked hemorrhages (trauma, interventions, injuries in general) due to congenital defects/ acquired clotting factors or the number and function of platelets (such as hemophilia disease, vonWillebrand, thrombocytopenia and Platelet).


The point of strength of the Centre was the start of activities at Humanitas, beginning with the establishment of a coagulation laboratory in which, with the support of biologists and highly skilled technicians, tests were conducted to identify or exclude rare disorders of the coagulation system, presented in a pro-thrombotic or hemorrhagic manner.

The objective of the Centre is to reduce arterial and venous thromboembolic disease occurrences (leading cause of death and disability in developed countries) and bleeding disorders and determine optimal management in order to reduce the likelihood of new events and their complications.


The medical areas of interest are: cardiovascular and cerebrovascular medicine, hemostasis and thrombosis, thrombosis and pregnancy, venous thromboembolic, global cardiovascular prevention, patient management in antithrombotic therapy, prevention of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in medical and surgical specialties.

The research areas of interest are: translational research in hemostasis and thrombosis, clinical research on new antithrombotic drugs, infertility, multiple abortions, pregnancy and obstetric complications, inherited vascular thrombosis diseases, and prevention of arteriovenous thrombosis.


Inside the Thrombosis Centre, the following specialist services are available:

  • Thrombophilia clinic for diagnostic evaluation and therapy of patients with personal or family history of thrombosis or multiple abortions. Such screening could also allow early detection of “excessive blood clotting tendency”, thereby increasing the risk of thrombosis in asymptomatic subjects with a family history of thrombosis.
  • Thrombosis clinic for diagnosis and treatment of arterial and venous thrombosis diseases and for the assessment of cardio-cerebrovascular risk factors.
  • Hemostasis surgery for the diagnosis and treatment of bleeding disorders.

Within these last two specialist clinics, a clinical activity is also performed for counseling of women suffering from infertility or multiple abortions, in order to identify a possible correlation with alterations of blood coagulation and possible specific treatment (antiphospholipid syndrome or other causes of Thrombophilia).

  • Vascular ultrasound laboratory for diagnosis and follow-up of patients with deep vein and / or superficial thrombosis.
  • Outpatient Onco-thrombosis clinic for identification of cancer patients at an increased risk of thrombotic or hemorrhagic complications related to chemotherapy and implementation of effective prevention methods.
  • Ambulatory monitoring of patients on anticoagulant therapy, accredited by the FCSA center (Federation Centers Surveillance of antithrombotic therapies), which deals with more than 2,500 patients on oral anticoagulant therapy with TAO (Warfarin, Sintrom), and parallelly oversees prescription and clinical follow-up of candidates or patients already taking the new oral anticoagulants (NAO).

Parallel to tasks performed at the outpatient clinic by the team of medical specialists, doctors also play a role in evaluating thromboembolic risk and bleeding of patients undergoing major surgery;  setting up proper thromboembolic prophylaxis in patients already receiving anticoagulant / antiplatelet therapy and in candidates for invasive diagnostic procedures (colonoscopy , endoscopy with biopsy) and various surgical interventions (ophthalmology, general surgery, vascular surgery, minimally invasive surgery, urology, thoracic surgery, orthopedic surgery, gynecological surgery, etc.).

Moreover, doctors at the center also carry out a consulting service for inpatients with the same problems as those hospitalized in other hospital units.