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Kidneys & urology

Polyuria: that frequent need of going to the bathroom

January 31, 2019

This can easily happen if we’re under stress. The need to urinate becomes more frequent and intense because of the emotionality that accentuates all the stimuli. However, if this symptom recurs even in normal situations, when we are calm, then perhaps we suffer from polyuria (or pollakiuria). This disorder, linked to the need to urinate more than 3 or 4 times an hour, can be a signal not to be underestimated. Let’s see what it is about and what could be the reasons related to this disorder with Dr. Francesco Greco, head of urology at Humanitas Gavazzeni.

Excessive thirst

Doctors recommend drinking one and a half liters of water a day. A maximum of two. This quantity is necessary to hydrate the cells but also to make the kidneys work, and to ensure that the body breathes properly and that it can be thermoregulated.

If you are thirsty, perhaps because you are a little anxious or because you are on a low-calorie diet, remember that hydration also comes from your diet. Especially from fruit and vegetables.


High blood pressure and diuretics

People with high blood pressure are forced to take diuretics to help lower their blood pressure.

This helps to reduce the body volume of the blood and, in this way, also to lower the internal pressure.

If the production of urine is excessive, consult a doctor. This symptom may be due to internal dehydration.


Presence of diabetes

Diabetes is a metabolic disease that prevents insulin from controlling blood sugar levels. When too much glucose remains in the body, the body tries to eliminate it by producing more urine and damaging the nerves of the bladder at the same time, resulting in a higher risk of urinary infections.


Prostate problems

Benign prostatic hypertrophy affects older men and consists of the frequent need to urinate even if the urine produced is low. It can develop after the age of 45 due to the swelling of the bladder that presses on the urethra. In this case, it is advisable to have a urological examination that can also exclude the presence of more serious diseases, such as cancer.


Cystitis and fibroids

One of the most obvious symptoms of cystitis is precisely the constant need to urinate, even in the absence of real stimulus. Infested by bacteria, the bladder is inflamed and swollen and the spasms inside make you imagine having to run to the bathroom even if in reality the urine is present in very small amounts.

Even the presence of a fibroma, a benign tumor that can develop more easily in women of childbearing age because of estrogen, can create a pressure on the bladder that increases the need to urinate.

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