Magnetic resonance imaging systems deliver direct images of the different scanning planes. 

This diagnostic equipment relies on the power of extremely high magnetic fields alongside with radio-frequency sources to build images. 

Quality of MR images is directly proportional to magnetic field intensity which usually ranges from 0.5 to 1.5 Tesla (unit of measure of field intensity) in the areas of diagnostic imaging. 

Humanitas has 4 magnets, two with 1.5 Tesla, one with 1 Tesla and the newly-arrived magnet that operates at very high magnetic field intensity (3 Tesla). The latter is used particularly for research protocols, both in the area of brain imaging and general radiology, with some elective applications in oncology to study tumor vascularization, response to treatment as well as for in-vivo studies of tissues. 3 Tesla MRI is able to take images within a few seconds (images can be acquired even under respiratory apnea), the benefit being a shortened stay of the patient inside the scanner. Lastly, the new magnet features a peculiarly compact and wide tube within which the patient is placed, thIs minimizing negative impact on those suffering from holding a forced position and claustrophobia.