
Training at home: a practical guide

September 19, 2018

Do you have little time to go to the gym or no resources to invest? There may be many excuses for not training, but if you really care about the health and well-being that physical activity gives you, you can also organize yourself at home, with equally effective training, so it’s easier to find time and space. We talk about this topic with Professor Daniela Lucini, Head of Exercise Medicine at Humanitas.


The free body in the living room: 5 exercises

There are no more excuses. You don’t need any money for the gym or any special equipment to stay in shape. Good will is enough. Here are five “sofa exercises” and an explanation on how to do them, which muscles you train and which mistakes to avoid.


Arm bends for triceps

Place your back to the sofa with your hands on its edge, your torso aligned and your knees bent. As you breathe in, you bend your arms, remembering to keep your elbows tight. When the air blows, your arms stretch out. Perform 8-16 repetitions three times.


Engaged Muscles:


Main ones: Brachial Triceps.


Secondary: Abdominal muscles.


Errors to avoid: flexing your head; not aligning your back.



Squat with a load on top of your head

Position yourself with your legs spread out to your pelvis width. The arms are stretched over the head and the hands are holding a chair upside down. As you breathe in, you bend your legs until your pelvis aligns with your knees. Breathe in to stretch your legs. Do between 8 and 16 repetitions depending on your level of training.


Muscles engaged:


Main muscles: Femoral quadriceps.


Secondary: Calf muscles, abdominal muscles, large dorsal muscles.


Mistakes to avoid: overcoming the toes with the knees.

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Sink with one leg into the chair or couch

Position yourself with one leg on the floor and one leg resting on the chair or sofa. Your back is straight. Breathing in, you bend your supporting leg, trying to keep your torso straight and aligned, exhaling and stretching out. Perform 15 repetitions three times.


Muscles engaged:


Main ones: Hamstring muscles.


Secondary: Calf muscles, abdominal muscles.


Mistakes to avoid: overcoming the toes with the knees.



Abdominals on the couch

Position yourself with your hands resting on the couch and your torso outstretched forward. After checking the correct alignment of the spine, bend the knees to the chest alternately at each exhalation. Breathe in when you return the leg to the ground. Perform 20 repetitions per leg three times.


Muscles engaged:


Main: abdominal muscles.


Secondary: paravertebral muscles, femoral quadriceps, psoas.


Errors to avoid: not maintaining the correct alignment of the column.



Explosive squat from the sofa

Sitting on the chair or sofa, when exhaling make an explosive leap and land in a squat. Go back with a run to sit on the chair or sofa again. Do between 8 and 16 repetitions depending on your level of training.


Muscles engaged:


Main quadriceps: Femoral quadriceps.


Secondary: calves, abdominal muscles.


Mistakes to avoid: overcoming your toes with the knees.



Training alone: yes, but with criteria

“Training at home is a good thing, just learn to do it correctly – said Professor Lucini. The important thing is to be careful not to hurt myself. That’s why it always remains valid to be checked by a professional. Beware of apps that promise to train you like a personal trainer. They’re not recommended for beginners.

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