Sweat is a physiological reaction of our body and as Professor Antonio Costanzo, Head of Dermatology at Humanitas, explained in an interview with Cuore and Denari on Radio24, “sweat has the function of lowering body temperature when it is too high due to the outside temperature; sweating is therefore normal, as is sweating more when it is hot.

It is also important to point out that sweat is odorless: it is the maceration of the bacteria that live on our skin that determines the bad smell linked to sweat. Bacteria proliferate particularly well in the heat, which is what happens, for example, in the skin folds, where bacteria proliferate faster because the body temperature is a little higher and there is more moisture,” explains the professor.


Choosing a deodorant

To counteract excessive sweating, the products that are used are as important as the number of showers. “After showering, it is advisable to use an antibacterial deodorant to limit the proliferation of bacteria. The presence of substances such as aluminum hydroxide, present in some deodorants (which we call antiperspirants), clogs the pores from which perspiration comes out and for a few hours, depending on the concentration of aluminum hydroxide in the product, sweating is greatly reduced,” says the specialist.

If sweating affects the quality of life, a doctor should be consulted; a diagnosis of hyperhidrosis can lead to indications of the most appropriate treatments. “Today we have more powerful drugs, such as the botulinum toxin that paralyzes the glands that produce sweat for several months,” concluded Prof. Costanzo.