More and more people are turning to the plastic surgeon as a couple: boyfriends, as well as friends, brothers and sisters. Professor Marco Klinger, Head of Plastic Surgery at Humanitas, a studio guest in Morning 5, spoke about this topic, but also about the most requested interventions by men and women and about the use of body fat that replaced prostheses in facial operations.

“Visiting the plastic surgeon as a couple makes the individual patient feel strengthened in his or her beliefs; often the patients arrive together, in other cases one of them turns to us first, and then brings a friend or relative. Faced with this increasingly common situation, it is important that the surgeon check the real motivation of both, to make sure that the desire of one has not affected the other,” stressed Professor Klinger.


Most popular interventions

“In women the most requested procedures are: additive mastoplasty, liposuction, blepharoplasty, abdominoplasty and breast lifting. In particular, there has been an increase in demand for abdominoplasty; in the past this intervention was rare in women and was dedicated to patients who had suffered from obesity, but now it is indicated in all patients who want to change their abdomen, also because the results are very beautiful, with hidden scars.

Men, on the other hand, turn to the plastic surgeon mainly for blepharoplasty, gynecomastia, rhinoplasty, liposuction and hair transplant. In men we observe an important change in the breast, also due to the type of nutrition, so gynecomastia is one of the most requested interventions. It’s a quick intervention that helps people feel more confident, even when exposing themselves in public (for example at the seaside or in the pool)”.


The importance of ensuring a natural appearance

“Regardless of the type of intervention, it is important that the results are as natural as possible, that they harmonize with the patient’s body and do not change its connotations, for example of the face, as unfortunately happens with some interventions on the cheekbones that are too extreme. As far as the face is concerned, today retouching no longer makes use of prostheses, but uses the patient’s own body fat, generally taken from the hips, from the outside of the thigh or from the abdomen. Fat has a sweeter effect and is used, for example, in cheekbones and chin surgeries. The fat then regenerates the tissues, thanks to the presence of adult stem cells, and is also used to fill some volumes of the face, like a filler, but with definitive results. The prosthesis has a less natural effect.

It is very important to underline that the retouching must be natural: it is commonly thought that plastic surgery, and aesthetic surgery in particular, only lead to unnatural results, because unfortunately it is the ones that stand out most. Instead, it is worth repeating that it is possible to make a harmonious, beautiful and respectful touch-up of the patient’s body,” concluded Prof. Klinger.


Watch the full interview with Prof. Klinger, click here