Professor Daniela Lucini, Head of Exercise Medicine and Functional Diseases at Humanitas, spoke about “Endocrine Therapies: Exercise and Functional Diseases” during Mamazone 2017, the seventh edition of “Paziente Diplomata”, a day dedicated to women with and without breast cancer, organized by Humanitas last 14 October.

Lifestyle has in fact been mentioned several times during the Conference as a central element even in women undergoing hormone therapy.

As Professor Lucini points out: “Lifestyle is important in the management of various side effects, such as overweight, dyslipidemia, joint pain, osteoporosis and vasomotor episodes (flushes). Lifestyle, however, is not only important when the side effect is already clear, but also in the preventive phase even before the same side effects becomes apparent.


The right exercise for every woman’s needs

“Exercise, in particular, really plays a pivotal role in helping the patient to manage pain and avoid osteoporosis problems and to optimize the percentage of lean mass (especially muscles) and fat mass. But what kind of exercise is appropriate? In order to establish this, it is necessary to make an assessment of the patient, in order to draw a complete picture so that we can define a goal and the program to achieve it.

Aerobic physical activity (walking, cycling) is for example the best way to optimize weight (always at the right dose) and to improve certain muscle pains related to the effects of drugs, but if the pains are also due to muscle contraction the patient will need to add stretching or gymnastics ad hoc. It is therefore essential to have a clear and complete picture of the patient and to direct him or her towards the most appropriate physical activity,” concluded the specialist.


Watch the full intervention of Professor Daniela Lucini, click here