Prevention of breast cancer plays an important role in the early detection and treatment of breast cancer. Dr. Corrado Tinterri, director of the Breast Unit of Humanitas, spoke during the transmission Buongiorno benessere, aired on Saturday 23 September on Rai Uno.

“The first figure to take into account is how many cases there have been in the family. A woman must also pay close attention to changes in her breast: at all ages, the appearance of a lump, a skin retraction, changes in the color or appearance of her skin, a secretion of blood from her nipple are all signs that should immediately lead the woman to a dedicated center where a breast specialist is present. Another important sign may be the appearance of painless glands under the armpit; if painful, they are usually related to an inflammation and therefore not inherent in the oncological sphere. The sick lymph node instead usually becomes hard, increases in volume, but does not hurt,” explained Dr. Tinterri.


The examinations

“For women who have had breast cancer in their family, we recommend that from the age of thirty they turn to a breast specialist who will begin to interpret family and personal risks and provide a sort of radiological and clinical roadmap. For example, it is advisable from the age of 30 to have a breast examination and an ultrasound scan, and from the age of 40 to have a mammogram.

It is also a good idea to focus on screening programmes. Today in Italy we have a very important mammographic screening campaign, to which it is essential to respond. Screening is up to 75 years old and is biennial, although in women with a higher hereditary risk it is advisable for it to be annual. The Ministry of Health has also drawn up a decree law that provides that in all Italian regions there is an obligation to establish a Breast Center (or Breast Unit), in which the patient can find all specialists dedicated to breast cancer,” said the specialist.


Click here to watch the full interview from minute 36.12.