Candidiasis, resulting from the overgrowth of the Candida Albicans fungus, is a common condition that affects many women of reproductive age. It’s essential to recognize the symptoms and seek appropriate treatment.
Candida: Common Symptoms
Candidiasis often presents with the following symptoms:
- Redness of the genital mucous membranes
- Itching
- Irritation
- White, thick, and odorous vaginal discharge
- Pain during urination or sexual intercourse
In case of infection, especially if the symptoms persist, it is crucial to consult your gynecologist to prevent it from becoming chronic recurrent vaginitis, a condition characterized by frequent fungal infections.
Predisposing Factors and Risk Elements
Candidiasis results from the uncontrolled proliferation of Candida Albicans, which naturally inhabit the gastrointestinal and genital tracts. Several risk factors can contribute to its overgrowth, including:
- Immunodeficiency
- Use of antibiotic medications
- Diabetes
- Pregnancy
- Use of oral contraceptives
- Poor dietary choices high in sugar
Candida: Treatment Approaches
Diagnosing candidiasis involves a straightforward vaginal examination or swab during a gynecological checkup. Treatment options include:
- Antifungal medications, available in oral or local forms;
- Creams, ovules, and douches;
- Topical products containing lactobacilli to restore the correct vaginal bacterial balance;
It is crucial to remember that if the infection has affected a partner, both individuals in the relationship should undergo treatment to prevent a cycle of reinfection. In men, the condition may manifest as a rash and redness of the glans, sometimes accompanied by burning sensations extending to the foreskin and resulting in whitish discharge. These symptoms often occur after sexual intercourse.
Preventing Candida
Certain precautions may help reduce the risk of candidiasis:
- Maintain proper intimate hygiene using acidic cleansers with a pH of around 4;
- Avoid synthetic and excessively tight-fitting underwear, which can impede tissue perspiration and encourage germ growth;
- Manage periods of severe or prolonged stress;
- If undergoing antibiotic therapy, consider using oral or vaginal lactobacilli supplements since antibiotics can disrupt the vaginal bacterial flora;
- Ensure a balanced diet and hydration to support bowel health, preventing the proliferation of pathogenic germs in the vaginal environment;
- Avoid a carbohydrate-rich diet, which can promote fungus growth and raise blood sugar levels;
- Practice safe sex and avoid sharing towels or clothing with an infected individual.