In the presence of obvious hair loss you must immediately contact a dermatologist to identify the causes, as explained by Professor Antonio Costanzo, head of Humanitas Dermatology.


What might be the causes of hair loss?

“The causes of hair loss can be genetic. In this case we are speaking of androgenetic alopecia. It is more frequent in young men but which also appears in women after menopause. Alopecia is due to a genetic predisposition and an extreme sensitivity of the hair follicle cells to androgen hormones. There are also immune causes, the most widespread being alopecia areata which presents itself with circular patches with sudden hair loss on the scalp. Finally, hair loss may be caused by lack of vitamins or trace minerals which not only affect the hair but also weaken the nails”.


Can you reduce hair loss?

“Yes, there are now very effective therapies available. In androgenetic alopecia we use lotions or drugs that have the ability to reduce the sensitivity of the hair follicle to androgens. For alopecia areata however, using immuno suppressing substances is an option. Furthermore, for this second type of alopecia new substances are about to enter the market that seem to trigger hair regrowth even in the most serious cases”.