Obesity is a well-known cancer risk factor, but there is also an important correlation between the high excess weight and some neoplasms, as explained by Professor Armando Santoro, Director of Humanitas Cancer Center, in her blog on Repubblica.it, in response to a question from a reader.

A condition of high excess weight is related to the onset of some cancers, such as endometrial, esophagus, intestine, breast, prostate and kidney cancer. Postmenopausal women are particularly at risk due to the hormonal changes linked to this stage of women’s lives.

The increased presence of inflammatory pro molecules (such as interleukin and HGF) in the blood can not only increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, but also promote the development of a tumor.

Obese patients also have increased production of some sex steroids, which are considered a risk factor for many diseases. Obesity is also related to insulin resistance, which is one of the causes of type 2 diabetes and could promote the proliferation of cancer cells.


Worse prognosis in overweight patients

Following a diagnosis of cancer in a patient with a high excess weight, the prognosis is often worse and it is therefore important to act in this direction as well to improve one’s condition.

“Very often the first difficulties arise already when planning medical treatment, because it is difficult to calculate optimal dosages, because of the different metabolism of absorption of drugs. In the literature there is a greater incidence of relapses of disease in the obese, especially if the patient does not commit to a healthier lifestyle (diet, habits, physical activity), taking concrete action to improve the situation,” stresses Prof. Santoro.

Regular physical activity and a healthy diet low in animal fat help prevent the onset of cancer, so it is good to treat your lifestyle and maintain your weight in the norm, with the help of the calculation of body mass index (BMI).