Cystitis is an inflammation of the lower urinary tract. Even though we generally think it is a feminine ailment, it may also affect men.
Some tips may help you prevent this inflammation. Here are the suggestions of Doctor Massimo Lazzeri, a urologist at Humanitas.

Drink a Significant Amount of Water

The appropriate manner of liquids intake is important, taking into consideration the liquids we lose sweating and the current season.

A good hydration requires drinking at least one and a half litre of water per day. However, pay attention to excesses.  They may overwork your bladder, thus worsening the symptoms.

Don’t hold back your Urine

You should empty your bladder the moment you feel the stimulus, because holding back your urine is very stressful for the bladder. If you hold back your urine for a long time and exceed the elasticity limit of the bladder, you won’t be able to completely empty your bladder when urinating. The part of urine that remains in your body may predispose you to the infection.

Don’t Neglect your Intimate Hygiene

A good intimate hygiene is important, especially in the case of sexual intercourse. Women who are predisposed to urinary tract infections should care for their intimate hygiene before and after the intercourse. It is also important that they empty their bladder before and after having a sexual intercourse. These simple tips may also help against another typical ailment of women who suffer from cystitis, that is to say post-coital cystitis.