Hernia is the degeneration of an intervertebral disc: it is not its presence that is problematic, but the problem arises when hernia crushes the nerve root and generates symptoms.

Dr. Stefano Respizzi, Director of the Department of Orthopedic Rehabilitation in Humanitas, spoke about disc hernia and back health in an interview with Cuore and Denari on Radio24.


Can a discopathy cause hernia?

A discopathy is a condition of an affected intervertebral disc, a sort of small shock absorber that lies between the vertebrae and is rich in water; over the years the disc tends to dehydrate and cause pain, a natural process that does not usually generate problems. Even if a discopathy or protrusion occurs, it does not necessarily indicate a disc hernia.


Healthy Intervertebral Discs

“It is important to ensure that the aging disc has good circulation and that the column is dynamically supported by the muscles. Attention must therefore be paid to body overload, thus avoiding excess weight and making excessive efforts. Although it does not seem so, even driving for 300 km in the car is an excessive effort, so if possible it is advisable to travel by train. On the other hand, those who have no alternative and, for work reasons, must spend many hours in their cars, it is good that they maintain a good muscle tone in terms of deep abdominal muscles (transverse and oblique), lumbar, buttocks and dorsal muscles, in order to support the spinal column correctly “, explains Dr. Respizzi.