In June, Dr. Giorgio Pivato joined Humanitas as Head of Hand Surgery and Reconstructive Microsurgery.

Dr. Pivato is also Head of Hand Surgery at the Humanitas facilities in Turin (Gradenigo, Cellini and Fornaca), at Humanitas San Pio X in Milan and at Humanitas Castelli in Bergamo. Together with his team, he also works as an outpatient at all Humanitas Medical Care centres.

Objectives at Humanitas

“My goal at Humanitas is to create a hand surgery that optimally responds to the needs of the patients, with particular attention to the concept of mini-invasiveness of the entire treatment pathway: not only a reduced surgical invasiveness, but also shorter hospitalization and recovery times and personalized follow-up pathways. In addition, the possibility of collaboration and integration with all the other Group structures makes it possible to meet the geographical needs of patients.

Another objective is to strengthen the collaboration with the trauma team in the field of Reconstructive Microsurgery in First Aid, to ensure better quality in the treatment of specific hand diseases, to the benefit of the patient,” explains the specialist.

Dr. Giorgio Pivato

Dr. Pivato specialized in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in 2003 at the University of Turin and, since then, has dedicated himself exclusively to Hand Surgery and Reconstructive Microsurgery of the Arts. He started his activity for the Humanitas group in 2003 in Turin, at the Cellini Clinic.

Since 1997 he has performed more than 60,000 operations in the field of hand and plastic reconstructive surgery.

Snap fingers, tendon lesions, De Quervain’s disease, Dupuytren’s disease, rhizoarthrosis, carpal tunnel syndrome, fractures and cysts of the wrist are some of the pathologies that Dr. Pivato deals with, who has also developed a great experience in the treatment of sportsman and musician’s pathologies.