Professor Paolo Vinciguerra, Head of the Ophthalmic Centre of Humanitas and lecturer at Humanitas University, was the protagonist of a live Facebook event on 7 September last year.

During the episode dedicated to the diagnosis, therapy and surgery of the main eye diseases, the professor touched on several topics and answered some questions of the listeners.

Prof. Vinciguerra first spoke about cataracts, explaining how the intervention takes place and how important it is that it takes place quickly, and highlighting the advantages of new technologies. He then went on to explain what glaucoma is and how it manifests itself, telling listeners what’s new in the treatment of this disease. Another topic involved the keratoconus and the effectiveness of cross-linking to stop its evolution.

A lot of time was given to refractive surgery: Prof. Vinciguerra reiterated how important it is that the intervention is personalized to the individual patient and what are the parameters to take into account in order for a subject to be considered a candidate for the intervention.

In conclusion, the specialist spoke about the role of robotics in ophthalmology, progress in terms of research and provided some advice for the health of our eyes, in relation to the use of smartphones and tablets.