In the summer months there is a significant increase in foodborne infections. As Dr. Antonio Voza, Head of the First Aid Service at Humanitas, explained in an interview, the reasons for this increase are different.

First of all, the heat and humidity are the perfect habitat for the proliferation of bacteria, and the food consumed outdoors is exposed to contamination.

Another risk factor is traveling abroad, especially to exotic countries where food safety and hygiene levels are more precarious.


Only bottled water

“If you are traveling to an exotic country, it is advisable to drink only bottled water and also use it to wash fruit and vegetables bought in stores,” recommends Dr. Voza.

It is then necessary to pay attention to the foods that are purchased, checking the expiry date and the condition of the products, as in the case of frozen foods: “Frozen foods must not have frost and the packaging must not be swollen, which indicates that there is an ongoing bacterial proliferation”.


One eye on the refrigerator

“Especially in the presence of eggs and dairy products, the refrigerator must not be overcrowded, because this affects the maintenance of the temperature, which on average must not exceed 4 degrees.

Raw food and cooked food must not be close together, because raw food could contaminate cooked food,” explains Dr. Voza.


The hands: the first vehicle for infections

Hands are the first vehicle for infections, so it is best to wash them often. It is also advisable to look at food retailers and prefer glove shops.