If you have felt the sizzling sensation of heartburn behind your chest you are one of many who would like to know how to avoid it and why it happens to you. Heartburn is caused by excess acid that was released in your stomach to help digestion. When your body is having a hard time digesting it could regurgitate the acid up the esophagus causing the burning sensation.


Heartburn Symptoms

  • A burning sensations behind chest
  • Burning sensation or tingling in throat
  • Burning sensation or tingling in angle of the jaw


Why does it happen?

Heart burn is the result of acid reflux. If you sphincter valve at the entrance of your stomach isn’t closing properly after you swallow your food, acid may splash back into the esophagus and cause heartburn.

GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease is the result of an ongoing acid reflux occurrence. For those that get heartburn regularly within a week your esophagus will eventually be damaged to the point where medication or other medical interference will be necessary to repair the esophageal lining.

Acid reflux is also common for women during pregnancy. The suggestions below can help women relieve themselves of frequent heartburn but if the problem

It is important to note that some symptoms related to heart disease are similar to heartburn symptoms and these cases should of course be treated accordingly. Heartburn in these cases will not occur solely during digestion though. If you are getting heartburn after light meals or during hours of the day when you haven’t eaten you should consult your physician.

woman suffering from acid reflux or heartburn

9 tips to avoid heartburn

  • Avoid acidic foods or foods that increase acidity (i.e tomatoes, citrus fruits, chocolate, coffee, mint)
  • Don’t lay down during the first 3-5 hours after eating
  • Avoid late night snack, especially heavy fatty food.
  • Avoid spicy foods
  • Eat smaller portions
  • Eat slowly
  • Move after eating (its counter-intuitive for some, but will significantly help digestion)
  • Wear loose fitting clothes
  • Avoid certain types of exercises (sit-ups, head down yoga moves, jumping)
  • Avoid alcohol
  • Quit smoking

Some bad habits can also affect digestion. “With the pace of work and a stressful lifestyle, proper meals during the day have become abundant. But during the evening and night the digestive system works slowly, especially if the foods eaten are fatty or processed. Examples include cheese or fried food”, comments Dr. Beatrice Salvioli, gastroenterologist at Humanitas hospital.

“Ideally, after dinner, do not lie on the couch immediately. Make an effort to go out for a little walk as the movement will facilitate digestion.”


What are the risks?

Those suffering from GERD or any other cause of heartburn and acid reflux over a long period of time could be at risk. The esophagus tissue can be harmed and ulcers may occur as well as other precancerous conditions.