General anesthesia is a fundamental procedure that allows the body to fall asleep and become unconscious thanks to the administration of drugs. It is necessary before long and invasive surgical procedures involving organs in the chest or abdominal area or before otorhinolaryngology interventions and oral operations in order to protect the airways from bleeding.

How do you prepare for this type of anesthesia? Dr. Orazio Difrancesco, an anesthetist in Humanitas, explains this topic.

The importance of the interview

General anesthesia does not require any special preparation. However, it is essential that the patient undergo an interview with the anesthetist, which should take place a few weeks before surgery.

During the interview, the anesthetist will investigate whether the patient is taking medication and indicate which medications should be discontinued and which medications can be continued until the day of surgery.

On the day before surgery, it is advisable to follow a light diet, especially in the evening. It is good to fast, but – compared to the absolute restrictions that were in force in the past – today it is possible to drink clear liquids, such as water, even up to two hours before surgery.

It is also advisable that the patient does not lead an overly sedentary lifestyle in the period before surgery,” explains Dr. Difrancesco.