1-3 February, doctors, scientists and engineers will discuss about artificial intelligence, big data and precision medicine applications in intensive care: this is the Milan Critical Care Datathon and ESICM’s Big Datatalk, which arrives in Italy for the first time. Experts from different fields will discuss how large databases can support application to the clinic to improve the quality of patient care in a particularly sensitive clinical area such as intensive care.

Humanitas will host the event in collaboration with Humanitas University, Politecnico di Milano, SocietĂ  Europea di Terapia Intensiva (ESICM) and MIT of Boston.

AI and intensive care technologies: international experts in Humanitas

In Intensive Care, the most delicate and complex cases are encountered: for example, patients who have undergone trauma or major surgery. For this reason, the support of artificial intelligence and big data can be fundamental for the physician in identifying even more accurate treatments or timings.

“We have gathered in Milan the world’s leading experts in the field of Big Data and Intensive Care. During the event we will have the opportunity to meet doctors, scientists and engineers to develop together new digital technologies for our critical patients. The event, the first in Italy, born from an idea Humanitas and Politecnico, in partnership with MIT Boston and ESICM, is one of the largest, if not the largest in the world ever made on this issue. We hope to come out of these three days with new ideas and new international collaborations to improve the outcomes for our patients and their families,” explained Prof. Maurizio Cecconi, Head of Anesthesia and Intensive Care Humanitas and lecturer at Humanitas University.

The Datathon: challenge and collaboration between experts

During the event we will take stock of the latest technologies related to intelligent systems, their spread in health care and how these will affect medical practice.

At the same time, the Datathon will take place: teams of doctors, engineers and scientists from all over the world will have to create in 24 hours an “intelligent machine” capable of solving certain scenarios that generally occur in intensive care, using anonymous data of almost 200,000 thousand patients, made available by MIT in Boston.

By analyzing data, for example, the use of artificial intelligence could, in the future, indicate the right dose of antibiotic to be administered and also suggest the precise moment when to start, considering the need, stress and predisposing factors of the patient, maximizing effectiveness and minimizing risks.

The development of these technologies requires, however, the joint effort of doctors and engineers, who must increasingly learn to dialogue to share experiences and find common ground to accelerate the adoption of these new technologies.