One of the most crucial lessons humanity can derive from the Covid-19 crisis is the undeniable importance of unity. Only through combining all the arms available in a cohesive manner, we can overcome this calamity and return to the former stability. Humanitas Research Hospital is demonstrating how this unity can be achieved, engaging in fruitful cooperation internally and externally.
Humanitas has been treating Covid-19 positive patients for the past five weeks, having fully transformed its daily operations. The Hospital has equipped seven wards, creating the required negative pressure conditions and ensuring maximum safety, to care for more than 200 infected patients. Additionally, Humanitas has doubled the number of Intensive Care Unit beds to provide high-level treatment to more serious cases, and has ensured that 100% of the Coronavirus testing is performed internally, in a dedicated laboratory.
What is more, the Hospital has dedicated residential units to discharged patients, as well as to medical personnel, who cannot return home due to various safety concerns. While continuously increasing the number of Covid-19 inpatients, Humanitas guarantees effective care for other categories of clinical cases: the Hospital continues to fulfill its duties as the regional hub for oncological surgical patients, as well as stroke victims.
Having attained a significant level of experience in caring for Covid-19 patients, Humanitas fosters both internal and external knowledge exchange. Medical professionals of all clinical domains are working together to develop and propagate new treatment insights. For instance, the Unit of Ultrasound Diagnostics, headed by Dr. Paola Maria Magnoni, has developed a scoring system to evaluate the state of patients’ lungs. Not only Humanitas doctors, but also Humanitas University medical students are involved in the care for Covid-19 patients, each according to their level of experience.
Additionally, Humanitas recognizes the importance of collaboration with fellow national and international institutions, passing the knowledge accumulated to colleagues from other Italian and foreign hospitals. The head of Humanitas Anesthesia and Intensive Care Unit, and President of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Professor Maurizio Cecconi has gathered world experts of Intensive Therapy to share their knowledge in the first international Covid-19 webinar held on March 28th. Similarly, Humanitas University -Hunimed has been collaborating with the Wuhan University School of Medicine since the onset of the pandemic.
What is more, Humanitas research division perseveres in its research efforts, launching four Covid-19 studies: one of them will be in the field of Otorhinolaryngology, aiming to evaluate most nuanced Covid-19 symptoms, another study in the field of Cardiology to study correlations between Covid-19 and various cardiological comorbidities. Yet, another will be in the area of Immunology, investigating the activation of a specific inflammatory cascade associated with Covid-19, and the fourth study will evaluate antibody tests that could replace the current viral load tests by analyzing patients’ immune response.
Endurance and emphasis of unity are paramount ingredients of an epidemiological success. Humanitas is demonstrating the relevance of these qualities, starting to accomplish its first victories, such as steadily increasing the number of Covid-19 patients discharged.