Household accidents, how to behave in case of injury or accidental burn? Luciana Marzella, Humanitas hand surgeon, guest of Buongiorno Benessere, broadcast by Rai 1, spoke about these issues during the episode broadcast last December 26th.


What should I do if I am injured or burned accidentally?

“Unfortunately, accidental injuries are very common in the home,” explains Dr. Marzella. “When using kitchen knives, it is very important to maintain a correct handle. In case of cuts, you should take a clean towel or dishcloth and swab the wound to prevent the bleeding from becoming significant. Afterwards I recommend to go to the emergency room anyway, because even small wounds can be deep and damage the nerves and therefore the sensitivity of the fingers of the hand”.

“In case of burns, sliding your hand under fresh running water can provide immediate relief. “Among the most dangerous burns – comments Dr. Marzella – there are those from electrocution, or related to accidental discharges that occur for example when you plug in the socket, or when you clean the computer with alcohol, a gesture that can be very dangerous.


Watch the full interview with Dr. Marzella from minute 11’00”.