Signs Not to Underestimate

The human body is almost 60 percent water, and a life without water is impossible. 

Maintaining internal balance is crucial, especially during the warmer months, when we lose more water through sweat.

Water is vital for the kidneys’ proper functioning, eliminating waste substances. 

Symptoms of Kidney Disease to Watch Out For

Kidney disease is often asymptomatic until it reaches an advanced stage. However, certain indicators can signal kidney malfunction, such as a sharp rise in blood pressure or frequent urination, especially at night. Increased prostate volume in male subjects could also be a cause. 

If these symptoms occur, it is necessary to contact a doctor who will consider prescribing tests (creatinine dosage, urine test, albumin/creatinine ratio in urine) to provide preliminary information for diagnosis.

The Importance of Urine Testing

The body naturally eliminates excess water waste and rebalances mineral salt through urine. 

Abundant and clear urine indicates excess water, while little urine that is deep yellow or orange indicates a water shortage in the body. Drinking more water increases urine production, regardless of water quality.

Beware of Cold Water

Cold water can be more pleasant on the taste buds, making us think we’re quenching our thirst before the intestines absorb water. Drinking water at a moderately cool temperature is recommended to determine if the body needs more fluids.

Drinking Plenty of Water: When to Consume and Avoid

High fluid intake is not always beneficial for kidney disease. Those with kidney stones should consume enough fluids to eliminate at least two liters of urine daily, promoting stone expulsion and preventing new stones. The same amount is recommended to avoid recurrent urinary infections.

Replenishing body fluids following water loss events, such as sweating, vomiting, diarrhea, or high fever, is crucial. However, excess water intake can be dangerous for those with renal insufficiency, causing edema formation. Those on dialysis should also avoid it.

Preventing Kidney Disease

Attention should be given to preventing and treating conditions that can cause kidney problems, such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease. Maintaining a healthy body weight, keeping blood pressure under control, reducing salt consumption, not smoking, limiting alcohol intake, and regularly engaging in physical activity appropriate to one’s age and condition are recommended.