Weak teeth, unpolished and susceptible to damage. This could be the doing of plastic, and specifically plastic bottles and food-ware. A study conducted by INSERM (French National Institute of Health and Medical Research), points the finger to Bisphenol A or BPA. Two components that are present in the plastic that is used to make bottles and other food containers. These substances together with Vinclozolin which is a substance that was commonly found in fungicides and used in places like vineyards, golf courses, and orchards seem to inhibit hormones in your body from creating the enamel which protects your teeth.

“The hormonal imbalance caused by these substances slows down growth and reduces the dental enamel. In addition to this, a condition known as dental Molar Incisor Hypoplasia (or MIH ) is more likely to occur. This disease affects the teeth starting with the incisors and then the molars. The teeth affected by MIH are characterized by unsightly stains dotting the enamel coating as well as a low level of calcium and phosphate,” explains a Dentistry specialist at Humanitas Medical Care.

What causes the most worry is that the hormonal interference of BPA and Vinclozolin can be particularly strong in children and is causing permanent damage to what will be their adult teeth. The enamel is in fact produced by the body in the third trimester of pregnancy and continues to develop until five years of age. If in this period of time there are substances that hinder normal growth, the damage is irreversible, because, unlike the bone dental coating does not reform.