A hospital stay can happen to everyone and becomes more likely as the years go by: should we be disheartened? No, an active and positive attitude, as far as possible, will help us not to become demoralized during hospitalization and to recover more quickly upon discharge. Let us not be overwhelmed by worry and melancholy, let us seek within ourselves, our doctors and our loved ones the strength to look ahead: we will get the maximum benefit from the time spent in hospital, within the obvious limits of the situation and the problem.


What can I do to improve my hospital stay?

  • Don’t spend the whole day in bed if you can and are allowed to. Physical inactivity slows blood circulation, increases the likelihood of thrombosis in the veins of the legs, the sense of malaise and stagnation
  • If possible, take part in rehabilitation sessions, especially after surgery or particularly after long periods of hospitalization.
  • While in hospital, continue to do gymnastics, if you can, to facilitate the recovery of physical and mental strength once you’re discharged.
  • Do not isolate yourself from the rest of the world: if you usually use glasses or hearing aids, continue to use them, read books, listen to radio and television and select your visits, avoiding negative personalities…
  • A bed next to the window allows you to notice changes in the climate and the night-day rhythm
  • Keep an eye on your watch and diary, knowing what day it is and what hour it is helps to keep in touch with reality and maintain orientation in space and time
  • Keep your head trained, play crossword puzzles, sudoku, read newspapers, speak with loved ones using computers, tablets, phones or handwritten letters as in the past. Especially after general anesthesia, to help you combat drowsiness caused by pain medications or anti-inflammatory drugs, which may leave you sluggish or confused for a few days
  • If you go to the hospital for a scheduled surgery, try to do so at a time when you are relatively well, and choosing the right time for a follow-up will help you recover faster and better.


The hospital is a place of care; it should not be seen as a no-return street, but as an opportunity for medicine, doctors and nurses to get you back into shape. The psychological attitude towards a problem can be decisive in helping you overcome it as best you can.