Within the month of breast prevention, appointments continue with the specialists of Humanitas. Guests of the live Facebook stream on Monday 16 October are Dr. Alberto Testori, associate director of the Breast Unit of Humanitas and Luisa Morniroli, photographer and protagonist of the project “Sorrisi in rosa”.

“There is an increase in the incidence of breast cancer, but also an increase in survival, thanks to the use of new pharmacological therapies and early diagnosis, the possibility of intervening and then operating small breast tumors, which leads to a survival of more than 95% of cases,” explained Dr. Testori.


Primary prevention and secondary prevention

“Primary prevention consists in identifying risk factors and implementing behavioral norms to reduce the incidence of the disease itself. Secondary prevention, on the other hand, is early diagnosis, which allows the early detection of breast cancer by means of instrumental examinations such as mammography and breast ultrasound.

We advise women to have a first breast examination when they reach 25 years of age, while from 30 to 40 years of age we recommend associating the breast examination with breast ultrasound. At 40 years of age, however, you should have a mammogram. Over the years, in fact, the mammary gland undergoes a transformation: around 40 years of age, the glandular tissue is transformed into adipose tissue and mammography reads the adipose component much better.

Regional mammographic screening starts at the age of 50, but knowing that 30% of new diagnoses occur between the ages of 35 and 45, we recommend that you have your own mammogram at the age of 40,” recommended Dr. Testori.


The “Sorrisi in rosa” project

Next to Dr. Testori, Luisa Morniroli, a patient of Humanitas operated from breast cancer some years ago, who says: “In my path I met several women with the same problem and as a photographer I thought to involve them in a project that showed the smile of women who defeated breast cancer. I decided to photograph them with a smile to give confidence and serenity to all women who are fighting against the disease. The exhibition “Smiles in Pink” is on display in Humanitas throughout the month of October.


Genetic component

“7% of breast cancers follow a heredity, mainly linked to the mutation of two genes, BRCA1 and BRCA2; to have this genetic mutation does not necessarily mean to develop a cancer of the breast or ovary during their existence, but it means to have an increased probability, even up to 80%,” said the specialist.

Dr. Testori also answered several questions from users, outlined the main concerns of patients related to the disease, explained how significant progress has been made in surgery, which is increasingly gentle and conservative, and talked about breast cancer in men.


Watch the live stream with Dr. Alberto Testori and Luisa Morniroli