When we have the flu we are weakened by fever, cough and cold. The last thing we think about is the diet that we need to follow. The widespread weakness that affects our body during the flu also affects our desire to get to the table to consume food of any kind. This is a spontaneous behavior that we must try to avoid.


Why do we need to eat well when we have the flu?

We must try to eat something because the immune system needs energy to fight and beat the influenza virus lurking in our body. Secondly, we must try to consume foods and beverages that may be able to fight the disease, and those must be digestible and light but at the same time nutritious.


What foods should you prefer when you have the flu?

Your diet must present foods rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C and vitamin E, and minerals like iron and zinc. Obviously you need to consume fruit, especially oranges, kiwi, mandarines, and vegetables. Some vegetables that are particularly good are cabbage and broccoli. Hot soups, based on legumes and cereals, can also be beneficial as they have a balanced composition from a nutritional point of view.


What to drink during the flu?

You first need to drink lots of water, tea and hot drinks which you can add a little honey to (but do not overdo it), and of course lemon juice.

Alcohol should be avoided, as it gives an initial but ephemeral feeling of warmth followed soon after by vasoconstriction, which worsens the feeling of cold caused typically by an elevated body temperature.


What foods should be avoided?

We recommend avoiding processed foods, and food which is fried or high in fat. You should also avoid all the preparations that make the digestive process more difficult, as they are going to worsen the general malaise that already exists because of the flu.