Crizotinib is primarily used to treat forms of lung cancer.


What is Crizotinib?

Crizotinib is tyrosine kinase inhibitor. It works by preventing the growth of cancer cells.


How should Crizotinib be taken?

Crizotinib is typically administered orally in the form of capsules.


Side effects associated with Crizotinib

Crizotinib can cause vision problems and severe liver or lung disorders. It may also reduce the body's ability to fight infections.


Among the other possible side effects of Crizotinib include the following:


  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness
  • Indigestion
  • Feeling faint or lightheaded
  • Loss of appetite
  • Mild cough or sore throat
  • Mild swelling
  • Nausea
  • Stuffy or runny nose
  • Changes in taste
  • Fatigue
  • Stomach discomfort
  • Vomiting


It is important to contact a doctor immediately if you experience:


  • Rash
  • Urticaria
  • Itch
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Tightness in the chest or chest pain
  • Swelling of the mouth, face, lips or tongue
  • Burning, numbness, or tingling
  • Changes in touch
  • Blood in the sputum
  • Rapid, slow or irregular heartbeat
  • Sores or swelling in the mouth or tongue
  • Severe breathing problems
  • Severe or persistent dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Unusual or severe swelling
  • Symptoms of infections
  • Symptoms of liver problems
  • Vision problems


Contraindications and warnings associated with the use of Crizotinib

Crizotinib may be contraindicated in case of abnormal heart beat and if you are taking alfenanil, asenapine, certain azole antifungals, carbamazepine, cyclosporine, ergot derivatives, fentanyl, hydantoins, certain macrolides, mifepristone, nefazodone, phenobarbital, pimozide, pyrimidone, certain protease inhibitors, quinidine, rifamycins, sirolimus, hypericum, tacrolimus, or telithromycin.

Use of this drug should not be continued if its intake triggers pneumonia.


Before starting treatment with crizotinib, it is important to tell your doctor if:


  • You have any allergies to the active substance, its excipients, or to any other drugs, food and various substances
  • You are taking any other medications, herbal remedies or supplements. Mentioning in particular: drugs that may increase the risk of QT prolongation, azole antifungals, beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, clonidine, digoxin, macrolides, mifepristone, nefazodone, protease inhibitors, telithromycin , carbamazepine, hydantoins, phenobarbital, primidone, rifamycins, risperidone, alfentanil, cyclosporine, ergot derivatives, fentanyl, pimozide, quinidine, sirolimus or tacrolimus
  • You are suffering (or have suffered) from kidney or liver problems, heart or vision problems, high blood pressure or abnormal levels of electrolytes in the blood
  • You are pregnant or breast-feeding


During treatment, it is advised not to eat grapefruit or drink its juice. Moreover, women of childbearing age and men must use effective birth control methods throughout treatment and for at least 90 days after discontinuation.Crizotinib may impair the ability to drive or operate hazardous machinery. This side effect can be exacerbated by alcohol and certain other medications.


It is also important to inform physicians, surgeons and dentists of any ongoing treatment with crizotinib.